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Галерея Вероники Тартаковской

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Nika Gallery – Artist-esoteric Nika , Veronika Tartakovskaya

Nika Tartakovskaya, a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, a member of the International Art Foundation, the Winner of the VIII International Contest “For the sake of Peace on Earth-2017” in the project of the International Creative Assembly, the charitable foundation “Slavic Traditions”. The author of the training of art meditation “Development of personal strength”. The artist’s paintings belong to private art collectors all over the world.
The artist pays special attention to the method of creation of the so-called “pure” picture. This does not suppose mere depiction of religious and occult themes. This is the much deeper pure energy of the Universe depicted on the canvas. This energy enriches and inspires the owners, encourages both spiritual and physical development. Nika Tartakovskaya is the founder of the new direction of fine art. This trend is directly connected with the ecology of visual communication. The direction is aimed at the introduction of the ‘purity’ of paintings to the cultural society. Painting performs the global functions in human life - cognitive, aesthetic, religious, ideological, documentary, social, educational, philosophical. It has psychological impact on the audience via colour, form, figures and symbols. A person’s feelings while looking at a piece of art are very important. Everything in nature seeks harmony and so are the people. While looking at a canvas some shades of color, shapes, elements of the painting make people recognize themselves. The creation of each painting includes several stages – energy, philosophy and psychology. 1. The energy orientation is due to the inner state of the author. The artist paints while meditating. 2. The second stage is transforming the energy of the canvas into various mages. It also includes deep philosophical comprehension of the work. 3. The third aspect is connected with psychology. Each canvas is full of positive energy. Thus it cannot depict negative or gloomy images. The artist pays special attention to the choice of colours and their combinations. As the result a very energetically powerful and psychologically positive painting is born. All the works possess a powerful charge of structured energy which positively influences a person’s subconscious mind. • To date, 8 personal exhibitions have been held on the territory of the Russian Federation. June 15, 2011 Siberia. Kemerovo - The first exhibition “All About Love” in the House of Artists; December 23, 2012. Siberia. Kemerovo - exhibition “Execution of desires” in the CITRO?N car showroom; September 10, 2014. Siberia, Kemerovo - an exhibition in the gallery of Olga Makeeva “New Age”; October 22, 2015. Moscow - the exhibition “Collection” in the Moscow Music Hall; November 1, 2015. Kuban, Krasnodar - an exhibition of the collection “Magic of Travel” November 25, 2015. Moscow - an exhibition in the Moscow Music Hall “Tengri and Umai” November 19, 2016 Moscow. Exhibition, “Ecology in Art” in the Art Loft “Samotyoka” May 18, 2017. Moscow, Exhibition “Ecology in Art” in the exhibition hall of the Academy of Arts. A series of exhibitions is being prepared in many cities of Europe and Asia, starting from Germany, D?sseldorf

Artist-esoteric Veronika Tartakovskaya

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  Официальный сайт: nika.gallery
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 Адрес: проспект Советский, 2/16
650000, г. Кемерово, Кемеровская область
Часы работы:
Пн — Пт:с 8:00 до 17:00 , без перерыва
Сб — Вс:выходной
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